Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sunny Memories on Saturday

It's one of those days here, when the sun is competing with the big fluffy clouds but we've had some really sunny days this week, all leading up to the first day of fall so I'm feeling rather sunny myself.  And I'm not just saying that because I got some sweet deals at the city wide yard sales this morning, or baked brownies for Bingo, and made extras for us to share with our hot chocolate later.  There are still some roses blooming and looking at their velvety petals always warms my heart and makes me think of wearing my sweaters again this fall.  My favorite one this week was the golden flower that just beamed with the sunshine, telling me fall is on its way, get out your fall colors.  I think it's time.  We had some beautiful sunsets that really brightened the whole sky, even while the clouds were coming and as I was taking in my peaceful moment before going inside, I turned around to see Mary had already taken off her shoes, enjoying the cool air of the evening.


  1. Beautiful pictures..I like those socks..
    We were getting cool and have been working outside cleaning up..well today it turned very hot/humid..I tell you, you never know what the weather will do in Maine..Have a happy week..

  2. Beautiful flowers! I hope you're enjoying this week too. Smile :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. Emily and I appreciate it...meow! Smile today. :)