Sunday, July 22, 2012

Saturday in the Garden

Tomatoes right from a garden is one of the best simple joys of the summer for us.  We couldn't seem to get enough, even though there will be more than enough still growing for all of us to keep picking.  I would have thought by looking at these little cherry tomatoes, that they still had some ripening up to do but no, these are actually orange when they are ripe and also low acid, which is nice for me.  They taste just like the red ones...amazing!  I will make tons of this pasta salad and use these wonderful little tomatoes, a little chicken and light dressing...Mary's favorite to give her the energy to make it through band camp with her purple flag this week.


  1. How beautiful they look. I can't wait for our tomatoes to get ripe. It is always slow here..growing time is short. Nothing like your own veggies and you know how they are grown.
    Has been very hot/ I said on my blog.
    Trying not to complain, winter gets here too fast.
    So every day, I am thanking God..but just asked to take a little of the humidity away.
    Have a happy week..xoCarolyn

  2. Those tomatoes look so good. I think everything fresh from the garden always tastes so good!



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