Saturday, May 14, 2011

Shakespeare on Saturday

The May flowers have been blooming nicely and it just wouldn't be May without lilacs that fill the air with their beautiful scent as we take our walks...simple joys are all around. Emily and I have been busy this month, but we still like to take time to read the newspapers together and it was exciting to see a photo of my son too. He has a part in a Shakespeare play that opened last weekend, and actually, my son has a white shirt that he wears in the play. So this photo shows a brown shirt, just something they put on him for rehearsals. The girls also wore different gowns. They really chose the actors to fit the characters so they were all great at their parts. It was a wonderful performance...I laughed, I cried. I will go again for another performance tonight. Emily wanted to go to the play too, but I had to mention that there was a little dog in the play so she gave me that look...she will just wait to hear about it again.

1 comment:

  1. How excited to be mentioned in the newspaper! I love lilacs. We don't have them here since we moved to mom's and they had to tear down the bushes. Love Emily's pinned ears!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. Emily and I appreciate it...meow! Smile today. :)