Sunday, September 23, 2012

Homecoming Week Finally Over on Sunday

Our family had a double funeral this weekend so when I saw this double rainbow, it made me stop to thank God and say a prayer for these sisters.  I also prayed not to get drenched at the football game, grabbing a towel, blanket and umbrella as I knew it was going to be a cold rain (happened before, you know.)  Luckily, the homecoming parade happened on a cool night but at least it wasn't raining so I was thankful for that too.  The rain happened in intervals during the homecoming football game so the band did not get drenched this time, but I heard a few of the kids (inlcuding mine) say that it was so cool to watch the raindrops coming down on them as they were lying on the ground (this was right before it really rained after half-time.)  Our team still managed to win!  Then all the teenagers were focused on the homecoming dance and they couldn't have asked for a better night, cool and clear, the stars were beautiful.  All the kids were just beautiful, and had a fun week of homecoming, even a certain cat tried to get in her few minutes of picture taking.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Taking it Easy on Sunday

Football games and geese coming to dinner, sounds like fall is already here but it's still pretty warm.  My heart has been running the extra mile all month, so I'm finally getting to take it easy today.  The pair of geese in the photo live at the pond down the road and when they had their little family, they would take walks down our road with the little ones.  I think listening to old Rusty the rooster sort of scared them, and they would walk faster past their yard.  Before we had our big rains, one of them being at the football game last weekend (we got drenched!) no one was mowing, everything was so dry and all that was getting bigger was certain weeds that geese apparently like to munch on for dinner.  So Emily and I had some entertaining evenings watching these geese come to dinner at our home, a simple joy at the end of the day.  Some days you have to remember to just breathe...and smile.