Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Roses and Dairy Queen are two of my favorites to be thankful for this summer and this barrel of roses with the flag was just the simple joy of the well as having a yummy peanut butter topped something or other. I'm also thankful for getting to hang out with my teenagers whenever I can, even on a cool, rainy day (that was last week.) I was planning a nice outdoor kind of thing, hoping to walk around some pretty gardens too, but we made the best of it, looked at some mall type stores, explored an Amish "barn" that was filled with little stores (they took lots of photos...even blueberry syrup!) and had a very good day together anyway (something more to be thankful for!) Now they are gone on their own summer vacation so I'm very thankful for a wonderful silly cat...who understands me.


  1. Ah, roses and Dairy Queen. Almost all of the DQ's have closed here in the Huntsville area. The one on Drake Ave. was the most recent. Now I have to go to Guntersville for a Blizzard.

    Lovely teenagers and delightful cat.
    Lol: word verification was "catsino."

  2. Nice pictures. What is Emily about to pounce on?


Thank you for taking the time to comment. Emily and I appreciate it...meow! Smile today. :)